Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick’s Day!



Kiss me, I’m Glutarded!

Greetings Glutards!  It's Monday and I am sure you are all feeling really great about returning to work.  With yesterday being the infamous St. Patrick's Day, I bet there's a few of you who have been hiding at your desks with Alka-Seltzer in one hand, and Tylenol in the other.  Yes, hangovers are a bitch. But the activities that create them are oh so fun!

So how did this glutard celebrate the amateur hour known as St. Patties?  Well, let me show you…


Start off with some traditional green beer.  Well, almost traditional, that is. Since celiacs cannot have regular beer, why not add food coloring to your favorite gluten free beer or cider to make yourself a emerald shamrock concoction?  I recommend a New Planet Off the Grid myself.  It's tasty and lends well to artificial coloring.  A few too many of these and you'll be running Erin go Bragh-less through the local college bars.

If you are not glutarded, enjoy a traditional Guinness for St. Patties Day.  Just beware of the trucks…



My family is not Irish in the least, but we do love a good holiday themed meal.  For this occasion, my mom prepared a fantastic corned beef and cabbage with boiled potatoes.  Now, I prefer my corn beef done in a slow cooker, and my cabbage braised, but this was pretty damn good.  Who knew an Sicilian girl could cook as well as an Irish lass?


Finally, don't leave your family pets out of all the Irish festivities.  We decided to throw some shamrock beads on my brothers dog, Brutus.  You would think this would be something you would do after a few drinks.  In reality, my mom decorated the dog straight from church.  But hey, he loved it.  Brutus even got sad when you would try to take them off.  Green is definitely his color.

I hope you all had a fun and safe St. Patrick's Day!  Even if you are not Irish, it's still fun to participate in the tomfoolery.  Just remember, it's always important to have a designated driver, and know when to quit when you are out celebrating such holidays.  I am sure I'll see ya'll at the bars again in about 2 months for Cinco de Mayo...

Glutardedly Yours,


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