Sunday, October 14, 2012

Attack of the Gluten!

"Ok, so...I have some dietary restrictions..."

This sentence is usually a server's worst nightmare.  With the numerous allergens, diseases, and TV "doctor" recommended diets, the number of guests I would hear this from has practically tripled over the past 5 years.  Especially the now common Gluten-Free request from our patrons.

Now, my fellow restaurant folk used to jokingly refer to anyone who asked about gluten-free options as Glutards.  What is a Glutard you may ask?  At first, we used to think that it was just someone on just another one of the many fad diets.  What I have learned over the years is that individuals who are truely gluten intolerant actually have a real life medical condition called Celiac Disease.  And a few days ago, I found out that I was one of them.  Glutard doesn't seem so funny now...

Celiac Disease is very simply an autoimmune reaction to gluten that damages the small intestine in a way that it cannot absorb basic nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.  Gluten itself is found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye.

Wait a I can't have anything made from any of those things!?!?  Wow, I formally apologize to any Celiac sufferers that I may have called glutards in the past.  Culinary karma is a bitch!

So why am I writing this blog? 

Well first of all, It's a coping mechanism. I feel like a best friend has just died!  I love breads, pastas, pizzas, beer, breaded and fried anything, and all things that now I am told I cannot have.  It's probably my worst nightmare come true!  I even froze 2 delicious loaves of bread, keeping them in a cryogenic sleep so every time I open the freezer door I can gaze upon them and remember how they used to taste.

Second, I am hoping that my journey into this new dietary dilemma may help others going through the same thing.  Anything I learn about this new lifestyle (dietary guidelines, recipes, great restaurants, jokes, etc), I will post and share with all of you.  If I can help one person through my experience, great.  If I just make you chuckle, that's great too.

And finally, I am doing this to start a dialogue.  So many people do not even know what Celiac disease is.  I didn't.  So if you want to share your stories, experiences, and lifestyle, please feel free!  I feel it will help more people than you think.

Ok, I have rambled on long enough for a first post.  I am off to research gluten-free flour and pastas at Whole Foods and then enjoy my day off.  Thank God there's no gluten in wine ;-)

Glutardedly Yours,

For more infromation about Celiac Disease, check out the Celiac Disease Foundation's Website

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